Below is a summary of my professional experience, education, and skills that demonstrate my qualifications for various roles.
Garland E. Mims
SECRET, 07/2001, active
TOP SECRET, 03/2007, inactive
BS, Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, 1999 – 2003
Salient skills:
22 years total technical experience.
Computer software experience:
Operating systems: Microsoft Windows, VX Works, Linux, iOS, Android
Programming languages: C, C++, VB .Net, C#, Java, PHP, Python
Other languages/scripts/etc.: XML, YAML, Assembly, Batch, Bash, Make
Tools: MATLAB, MATLAB Simulink, Microsoft Visual Studio, .NET Framework, Tornado for VX Works, Eclipse, Qt, QtCreator, Ardupilot, Android Studio
Computer hardware experience: Serial Devices, CAN Networks, Ethernet Networks, T1 Interfaces, UAV (Drones)
Professional Experience
software engineering consultant
feb 2021 – Present
Dynetics GM Program – Designed, implemented, and tested software for the PlaybackGen, MissionEditor, MissionPlayback application which are Microsoft Windows GUI application used for testing simulations and other software. Assisted in the development and documentation of requirements. Served as SCRUM master on the integrated product team. Assisted in maintaining other applications developed by the team through peer reviews and working meetings. Provided on-site support for Dynetics’ customer.
senior engineer
Mar 2020 – feb 2021
THS – Designed, implemented, and tested software for the Target Handoff System (THS) which is an Android-based mapping/messaging application used by the U.S. Marines to request fire support. Mentored engineers in software development practices.
senior engineer
dynetics, inc.
dec 2003 – feb 2020
MVP – Designed, implemented, and tested software for a prototype radar system. Mentored engineers who were new to developing software.
iMVACS – Designed, implemented, and tested software for an iOS-based UAV flight automation system.
MFP – Designed, implemented, tested, integrated, and operated software for the Mobile Force Protection anti-drone system.
CSPSim – Designed, developed, and tested software for the simulation of UAV payload on a scrum based team. Mentored engineers who were new to developing C++ software.
MVACS – Designed, developed, and tested a framework of software applications that controls UAVs for multiple mission types including target interception, escort, formation flying, and structure inspection.
TOGA – Designed, developed and tested software for a prototype handheld tablet for controlling US Army Raven UAVs. The main application was a Qt-based GUI with mapping capabilities.
iOATIS – Led the software development team. Designed, implemented, and tested software. iOATIS consist of an embedded system that executes on a Linux based operating system and a GUI that executes on Microsoft Windows.
J-UCS – Implemented and tested software. J-UCS is a java-based UAV ground station framework.
ALS MIS – Performed software engineering tasks during the requirements and design phase. Researched and prototyped designs for a fault tolerant flight system. Developed use cases for requirements.
MSST – Provided SETA support to the government customer for the MSST program. MSST is a test range target missile. Reviewed documentation, procedures, presentations, and code; and provided feedback to the government customer and technical team. Implemented unit tests for a subset of the flight code.
QUICK-MEDS – Designed, implemented, and tested major software pieces of QUICK-MEDS. QUICK-MEDS is an embedded system that uses a PC/104 architecture to control the descent of pods dropped from a UAV.
OATIS – Designed, implemented, and tested major software pieces of OATIS. OATIS is an embedded system that uses a Linux based operating system and a PC/104 architecture to log UAV flight data.
TATS – Designed, implemented, tested, and integrated a significant portion of the Target and Acquisition System (TATS), a real-time embedded system written in C++ that utilizes UDP and T1 communications. Presented to the customer at a Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), a Preliminary Design Review (PDR), a Critical Design Review (CDR), and a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). Provided onsite support for the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) at the customer site. Updated technical documentation including the Software Design Documents (SDD) and the Internal Interface Control Document (Internal ICD).
Dynetics – Performed systems engineering task including requirement management. Designed, implemented, and tested a VB .NET GUI. Designed, implemented, and tested enhancements for another VB .Net GUI with C++ COM server. Provided software engineering support. Presented to the customer at a TEM, PDR, and CDR. Updated technical documentation including the Software Design Document (SDD) and Software User Manual (SUM).
dynetics, INc.
may 2001 – dec 2003
Coop consisted of 15 months of full time work experience over 4 semesters.
Dynetics – Designed, implemented, and tested portions of a VB .Net GUI with a C++ COM server. Provided software engineering support. Updated technical documentation including the Software Design Document (SDD) and Software User Manual (SUM). Performed sensitivity studies on JMASS missile models.
PONTIFF – Enhanced a C program that would take a Hex dump of a system’s memory and convert it to assembly. Added support for additional assembly commands. Modified the program to trace through the assembly program and create a Microsoft Visio flowchart of the program’s execution.